Journalism being written off?

Journalism. The topic of us humans receiving current news and events. Everyone is involved in journalism somehow. Whether it be watching the news, reading the newspaper, or going on the web to read some news. Not into news? Journalism is also involved in the sports world, where they would talk about either the best team in world, or the most iconic player in the nation.The whole world would pretty much be a wreck without journalism, cause again, how would we get our news? How would we keep up with current events? Without that, we would not know anything about the place we live in.
With everything being said so far, journalism is not what it used to be. Back then everyone would need to purchase newspapers in order to keep up with the ongoing events. But everything has to keep up with the times, that means that newspaper industry has been slowing down. People have been layoff, and for those companies to make a profit, it has been a real struggle. Companies like The New York Times has been offering subscriptions to members that want to keep up, probably to keep in business.
So, with the newspaper industries slowly dying. One, maybe multiple might ask; Where is Journalism going? My prediction is that it would be HEAVILY involved with technology. Why? People are involved with social media as it is, so for example, if a disaster happened, like a plane crashing, someone can just take a photo of it, upload it to twitter, instagram, or facebook and it will start trending like crazy. But from a journalists standpoint, it adds a level of convenience for them because they can research and post from where. The New York Times also started to step foot here by having an app that people can just open to read news about politics, natural disasters, or just local events. That is where I think journalism is headed, getting involved with technology and eventually killing off the newspapers.


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